Thursday, November 4, 2010

Indian Heaven Wilderness

Indian Heaven Wilderness is my latest trek. I will be going with my High School biology teacher buddy, Phil. He has convinced me that if Bigfoot resides anywhere in the world, it would reside in the Indian Heaven Wilderness. He gave me the book, Where Bigfoot Walks: Crossing the Dark Divide by Robert Michael Pyle to read before the trek. This book is a narrative not just about Bigfoot but also about the nature of human belief. I like backpacking and trekking books and this is one of them. Pyle treks through the Dark Divide, the 40,000 acres South of Mt. Rainier, East of Mt. St. Helens, West of Mt. Adams and North of Mt. Hood. This country has few roads and trails and has lots of berries, bears, and Bigfoot prints.